Julius Caesar was born in Subura, Rome, July 100BC. Julius Caesar was a very powerful Roman General who reigned from October 49BC to March 44BC.
It was an ancient Roman tradition that the first born son in the family was to be named after his father, so his name became Gaius Julius Caesar. Julius was the grandchild of Venus and the son of Aenus.
Julius Caesar was very much like our former Prime Minister Kevin Rudd. I believe this because they were both strong political leaders and were both betrayed. For example Julius Caesar was betrayed by 60 senators who stabbed him to death. Kevin Rudd was betrayed by the Labour Party and especially Julia Gillard, as he lost his position in parliment and Julia Gillard gained the position of Prime Minister of Australia.
In the year 51 BC Caesar had successfully completed his conquest of Gaul. In his conquest Caesar extended Rome's territory to the English Channel and the Rhine River, situated in Western Europe. Caesar became the first Roman General to cross both the English Channel and the Rhine River when he built a bridge across the Rhine. He then conducted the first invasion of Britain. These achievements granted him unmatched military power and threatened Pompey's standing.
In 53 BC Crassus died which futher upset the balance of power. Political change in Rome finally led to a standoff between Caesar and Pompey. Ordered by the Senate to stand trial in Rome for various charges, Caesar marched on Rome with one legion from Gaul to Italy. This lead to a civil war from which he emerged as the unrivaled leader of the Roman world. After gaining control of government, Caesar began extensive reforms of Roman society and government. He concentrated on the system of government of the Republic, and was eventually proclaimed "dictator in perpetuity"(ruler for life). A group of senators, led by Marcus Junius Brutus, murdered Caesar on the Ides on the 15th of March 44 BC, hoping to restore the principles in government of the Republic. However, the result was a large series of civil wars, which ultimately led to the establishment of the permanent Roman Empire by Caesar's adopted heir (a person legally entitled to the property or rank on another person's death).
Author : Paul Hamlyn
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